SWCP Day 12: Coverack to Falmouth, Rest days in friendly, sunny Falmouth

SWCP Day 12: Coverack to Falmouth, Rest days in friendly, sunny Falmouth

Campsite: Penance Mill Farm
Campsite cost: £10 
Tip: There are no food or water shops at Porthoustock so I recommend having some snacks saved. 
Tip #2: There are plenty of camping shops in Falmouth. Go to Trago Mills to get gas, gear, and pretty much everything else you need at a really affordable price. 

This part of the trail wasn’t very busy at all until I reached near Falmouth. The path was perfect - not too steep and mostly flat. 


I wonder who lived in here?

I absolutely loved Falmouth! It was great to be back in a busy town with lots of amenities. It didn’t feel over crowded like in London. Perhaps because it’s next to the sea. People were super friendly and I just loved the general relaxed seaside town vibe. I’m from a seaside town myself, in Essex, so I just felt right at home here. 


I passed the mid-way mark if you start from the beginning of the SWCP in Minehead

I felt so good when I arrived and didn’t want to stop walking so I decided to extend my route to Plymouth! Making it around 250 miles from Newquay. 

I should mention, a large part before Falmouth had been closed off and you had to walk additional miles inland. This was in Summer 2022 so it may have been restored now. 

A large part of the path was diverted inland on route to Falmouth

I was able to finally buy some more gas in a great camping store I had never heard of before - ‘Trago Mills’. It had literally everything you need as a hiker, as well as everything else. It’s a couple of floors of clothing, hiking food packs, outdoor sports, toiletries, and miscellaneous products. I spent an hour here browsing.  

Just before I got sick whilst in Falmouth

I ended up taking 5 rest days in Falmouth at a campsite as I became really very sick on my second day. I think I drank some contaminated water - from a non-drinking tap. My error, and a lesson learnt to be extra careful with drinking water. Luckily the campsite let me stay for the whole 5 days for free as I was so unwell and couldn’t walk. I was still pretty weak when I set off but I just wanted to get moving. I think this experience wiped a lot of energy from me but I still wanted to make it to Plymouth.

I made it to Falmouth! A happy bunny


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