Cow Hill & Dun Deardail Fort, Fort William Scotland (17 km)

Cow Hill & Dun Deardail Fort, Fort William Scotland (17 km)

Estimated Trail Length: 17km (11 miles).
Time: 5 - 6 hours.
Trail Feature: You get to see Ben Nevis and Fort William town below from the top of Cow Hill.
How to get there: 4hr train ride from Glasgow to Fort William station.
Train Cost: £40 est. if you book in advance.
Hostel/Hotel: Fort William Backpackers
Tip: Stay in Fort William Backpackers: they have a welcoming atmosphere and great tips if you do plan to hike Ben Nevis. Lots of other hikers stay there with a lot of experience to share. 
Tip #2: Fort William High Street is filled with multiple hiking shops, great independent cafes and a bookshop called The Highland Bookshop, stacked with many fiction and non-fiction books on the outdoors, Nature, and the usual general fiction novels. 
Find the route I planned: 

In January, for a birthday treat, I took myself to Fort William which is known for the highest Munro in the United Kingdom: Ben Nevis. Ben Nevis stands at 1345m above sea level and remains a fairly popular hiking trail in the UK. 

A photo I took of Ben Nevis on my trail route

I planned a different route. Plotting my own trail included walking around the area of Fort William taking in Cow Hill and Dun Deardail Fort instead. In Scotland, it had snowed a lot recently and I wanted to create a trail that was challenging, but could still be completed without Winter gear. I have grown quite confident at plotting my own trail hikes now, using resources such as Google Maps and OS Maps. 

Generally how I plan my route is looking up popular trails in the area I want to hike, and then using Google Maps and OS Maps to plan the route out. You can follow my route and try it for yourself for free here: 

On the 4hr train from Glasgow to Fort William you pass lots of beautiful Munros

The day before I began my trail I took a four hour train from Glasgow to Fort William which is one of the most scenic, spectacular train journeys I have ever experienced. You pass through so many untouched Munros that stand dominantly in the landscape. Covered in Winter snow-tops, and surrounded by boggy, baran landscape. The odd bothy pops up as you pass by on the train.

A huge rainbow appeared on the Glasgow to Fort William train journey

Whilst on the train ride a the largest rainbow I had ever seen appeared which was breathtaking. You can watch more about this in the video I posted on Youtube below. I videoed my whole journey there and the hike itself. 

Early morning in Fort William

I arrived at Fort William Backpackers and relaxed for the rest of the day having brief chats with other hikers also staying there. A lot of people were hiking Ben Nevis which inspired me to try the Munro sometime soon but I’d planned my own route and wanted to stick to it. I had an early night to get up and start my hike fresh in the morning. 

On the trail up to Cow Hill

On the actual day I hiked I was incredibly grateful for perfect, clear blue skies. It is no exaggeration when I say that it is usually cloudy, grey and rainy in Scotland so to receive such great weather was a gift. I was incredibly thankful as visibility was perfect, even if quite cold. 

Views at the top of Cow Hill. You can see all of Fort William below on a clear day

The whole day was a real treat and I was glad I had taken the time to explore this part of Scotland for the first time. 

I’ve really begun to purposely lean towards activities that grant me time to be outside in Nature. Even if it is not long-trail hiking, I will try to get outdoors as there is an inherent knowing this benefits my mental well-being, as well as physical.

More views at the top of Cow Hill, Fort William and Munros in the distance

Additionally, I have begun reading a lot more literature on the psychology and physiology of Nature’s naturally healing benefits and all the other benefits you receive when outside in the natural world. I am compiling a list of book recommendations I have read around Nature that will be up on my blog shortly, as well as fiction books I read for pleasure.

My creative writing has re-ignited since my gratitude for the slower and simpler things in life has grown. I used to write a lot at school and university, but took a long break to pursue other projects. I am enjoying playing with full-filling skills that resonate as much as being outdoors, following intuition as guidance.

I hope you enjoy the hike :) If you leave a comment and I will try to reply!


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