SWCP Part Two: Day 5 Fowey / Polruan to Plymouth, The end of my trail!

SWCP Part Two: Day 5 Fowey / Polruan to Plymouth, The end of my trail!

Campsite: I book a hotel for the night in celebration!
Campsite cost: N/A
Tip: There aren’t many campsites in Plymouth. You would have to stay out the city 1-2 miles away. 

The final day of my trail! I was so excited to finish. Obviously I loved this whole experience and I felt so much better mentally and physically than I had in years but felt I was ready to rest.

Today I hit a bit of a wall mentally but really wanted to push to reach Plymouth. My back was hurting a lot from the backpack. My feet and legs were okay though. I was missing my regular, morning yoga practice.

Pausing on a cliff, nearly at the end

I focused on being in the moment, and letting the musical sounds of the waves crashing into the rock-side distract me from the back pain I was experiencing. I really took in the scenery and realised how lucky I was to hear and be next to the sea everyday. There wasn’t any rain which was great for my last day. I felt open to chat to people and it must have shown as hikers walking the other way approached me to see how I was doing.  

It was a 250 miles point when I reached Plymouth which was difficult to comprehend. I had never walked so far in one stretch before, but now a whole new world had been opened up to me and I absolutely fell in love with long-trail hiking. I knew I wanted to do more once I had rested, and have done more long hiking trails since! You can watch more videos on my Youtube Channel here.


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