SWCP Part Two: Day 4 St Austell to Fowey / Polruan, Meeting more wild ponies and taking in Fowey town

SWCP Part Two: Day 4 St Austell to Fowey / Polruan, Meeting more wild ponies and taking in Fowey town

Campsite: Polruan Holidays Camping and Caravanning 
Campsite cost: £20, no Walker discount here 
Tip: Walk around Fowey if you get the chance as it is an interesting Cornish town with lots of local small businesses selling homemade crafts.

In the morning I could barely get myself moving to set off. I was shattered from the day before - walking 24km is too much for me, usually 16km is my maximum. Generally, the SWCP isn't a flat terrain so it feels like you are walking an extra 5km more. If the terrain was flat then 24km would have been more manageable but the hills do take a lot of energy to climb. I took my time and set off at mid-day. I could have taken a rest day but decided not to. 

Wild ponies I met along the route

It rained lightly all day but in the end, I was enjoying the rain

Par Sands is a beach filled with soft, caramel sand and was empty of people when I arrived, probably because of the rain. It had been raining on and off all day so I take a break and pop on my waterproof jacket by the sea. I get a little lost around this part and loose the trail, thinking it's via walking on the beach. You actually have to go up the cliff to find the trail. I don’t mind making the error, as it was restful to sit on the beach for a moment. 

Some of the landscape I passed 

Today was a magical day when a herd of wild ponies decided to come up to me at the top of a hill. I stayed with them a while. One of them tried to eat my hiking pole but luckily the pole survived! The horse was fine too, of course.

You have to catch a small ferry over to Polruan

It rained for the last 3-4 hours of the day but I really was beginning to love the rain as much as the sunshine. I made it to Fowey and there I caught a small ferry over to Polruan where I camped for the evening. People chatted to me on the ferry asking how I was doing and how far I’d come. It was reassuring to hear from others I’d done well as sometimes it’s hard to put into perspective how far you’ve actually walked.

Taking a break and putting on waterproofs near Par Sands

I really enjoyed Fowey and would visit again when I have more time. People were friendly and it was a vibrant seaside Cornish town. There are lots of small businesses with homemade crafts, as well as the higher-end high street names. Lots of independent cafes to eat too. 


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