SWCP Day 7: Sennen to Porthcurno, passing through Lands End

SWCP Day 7: Sennen to Porthcurno, passing through Lands End

Campsite: Field
Campsite cost: £10
Tip: Lands End is busy with local shops to resupply. 

I was excited today as I knew I would be passing through Lands End and would be walking past some local shops to resupply and maybe get an ice-cream!

Wild Cornish ponies I saw on the route

Today I saw lots of wild ponies which is always such a treat. I respectfully keep my distance and if they approach me then I say hello.

I walked through Whitsand Bay, paused on top of a cliff there, and cooked some lunch in the sunshine. I always carry some couscous, broccoli and carrots with me which I use my cooking stove to boil, as well as snack on protein bars.

Whitsand Bay where I stopped to cook some lunch and watch surfers

When I got to Lands End it was beautiful and incredibly busy. I was accustomed to being alone and quiet. I decided to not stay long and pass through it quickly.

Lands End

I ended my day in Porthcurno and slept exceptionally well with no wind or rain through the night. 

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