SWCP Day 5: Zennor to St Just, A blustery rainy day in the clouds

SWCP Day 5: Zennor to St Just, A blustery rainy day in the clouds

Campsite: Field
Campsite cost: £10
Tip: Highly recommend Dog & Rabbit Cafe in St Just, a modern/ home style cafe with delicious food.
Tip 2: Supermarkets called Co-op are the main food shops in Cornwall. Mini Tesco/ Sainsbury's aren’t common at all in Cornwall. 

A very challenging day as the rain was heavy and constant - probably the most rain I’d experienced so far. The path was slippery, boggy and vision hard to navigate. I took it really slow knowing it will probably take me an extra couple of hours on top of my usual six to seven hours to get to St Just. 

The most rain I had experienced so far on the trail

The higher I climbed into the hills the more rain and into the clouds I went. My feet were soaked and my legs were too. I tried to keep an upbeat attitude and take it all in my stride; that’s what this is all about. Accepting the highs and lows equally. 

Each time I descended I could see the path in front ascend into another cloud, which meant more rain. I kept my head down and focused on getting to a cafe so I could have a cup of tea! The hiking poles were really useful and I recommend these for balance and speed. 

A beautiful empty cove near Pendeen

I made it to Pendeen which is a few miles before St Just, and rested. I ate at a cafe called Dog & Rabbit which reminded me a lot of cafes back home in Hackney, East London. It was sorely needed. 

In the end I had a really pleasant day and made it to a peaceful campsite with sea views. The owners were so kind and let me charge my camera and phone batteries for free. The rain let up and I had a catch up with some people I had met earlier on in the trail. I walked to a nearby Co-op supermarket to get some food. Cooked and slept well.


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